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MTV Courting Bar Refaeli to Host ‘House of Style’

bar refaeli
On the internet, the name Bar Refaeli is synonymous with “hottest Jewish girl alive.“ Whether it’s true—or not—the notion that the Israeli supermodel is simply “hot” fails to acknowledge her other salient personality traits.
To be fair, Refaeli is an uber-ambitious supermodel who would do anything to nourish her career (even if it means dodging her country’s required military service and then saying, “I don’t regret not having been drafted . . .because I made out big,” as she told Yediot Achronot over a year ago. “Why is it good to die for one’s country? Isn’t it better to live in New York?”)
So far, her audacious methods are working: MTV is reportedly courting Refaeli to host the revival of “House of Style,“ the popular fashion and design show of the 90s, then hosted by Cindy Crawford. Contracts are currently under negotiation, though nothing is final.
In any case, we should consider forgiving Refaeli for her shameless draft dodging; she’s obviously a pacifist. Otherwise, can you imagine the cat fights that might ensue between she and boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio’s ex-flame, Gisele?
Besides, it’s substantially more challenging to express loyalty to your country when you’re so darned busy sustaining your boyfriend’s.
From the NY Post:
“HOUSE of Style” is making a comeback. The popular ‘90s show about fashion and design, which helped make a household name of original host Cindy Crawford, is being revived by MTV, says a source close to production. Contracts are out to Leonardo DiCaprio’s girlfriend Bar Refaeli and recent Page Six Magazine covergirl Chanel Iman to host, though neither has officially signed on yet. We hope some of Refaeli’s assignments will bring her to the beach, where she can show off her bikinis.
source: jewishjournal.com