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Heidi Klum Becomes American Citizen for Her Kids

heidi klum
Heidi Klum
is covering Ladies Home Journal once again and talking about her family. The supermodel, producer and host of “Project Runway,” and mama and wife does it all, it seems. She says she wants her kids – Leni, 4-1/2, Henry, 3-1/2, and Johan, 2 – to know that they can accomplish anything they want to in life.
Just last year, Heidi became an American citizen so that she could vote for President Barack Obama. Now 35, Heidi says she in constantly seeking to inspire her family.
“Having mixed-race children, I feel that when I tell them they can be anything, it now means they really can.”
Heidi gushes about husband Seal, who “has quite a few admirable qualities himself. He’s very involved.” Together, the couple take the kids to school each morning. “We talk about the kids on the way there. Then we talk with the kids on the way back.”
While she has a lot on her plate, Heidi’s juggling family with career isn’t to be compared with the struggle many parents face. “I don’t have the hard, everyday life that so many working mothers face.”
That’s for sure.
source: HotFeeder.com