Liz Hurley’s black Audi has been found!

Here’s an update on a story we posted yesterday. We reported that Liz Hurley’s luxury car, a black Audi had gone missing after the model and designer left it parked on a street in exclusive Mayfair last Thursday and when she returned from shopping, it was gone. Liz reported the car as stolen to the police.

On Sunday, reports emerged showing the car with three parking tickets clearly visible on the windscreen. Could it be that the model turned designer had forgotten where she had parked her car? The car was clearly parked next to a parking meter which states that the vehicle should not be left there for more than four hours.
Liz hasn’t had it easy since her return from Australia when she found her two pet Labrador dogs, Lucy and Raj, seriously ill with food poisoning. It could be that worrying about her dogs made her forgot where she parked her car. Embarrassing? Well, if it was, Liz will take it in stride as she does everything else in her life. And that’s the honest truth.
T. J. Mueller