Kendall Jenner Rocks The Vote


Kendall Jenner is using her prominence to encourage young Americans on to carry on exercising their right to vote.

The face of Estee Lauder gets political in a short clip for Rock the Vote (the organization which strives since 1990 to inspire young people in politics) and the Independent Journal.

After giving a brief history lesson regarding women’s suffrage (led by activists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, to pass the 19th Amendment in 1920), Jenner wearing a gray T-shirt looks directly at the camera and begins to speak: “I’m Kendall Jenner. I’m 19. And I’m here to Rock the Vote,” she explains.“Every day, we vote. We’re able to express our opinions online with links and hashtags, But when it comes to the right to vote, it always hasn’t been that easy, especially for women.”

Besides Kendall Jenner numerous other stars have been involved for “Rock the Vote”, including Justin Timberlake Miley Cyrus and Madonna.

For more information and to get yourself registered head over to the Rock the vote website.